Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 20th – Proverbs 20: A Faithful Man

“Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?” – Proverbs 20:6

I could fill a book with the quotes of people I have known that have claimed unfailing love; love for their mate, love for their friends, love for their calling and love for God. Yet for all those proclamations, few have stood the test of time and proven themselves faithful with their actions.

Why is this?

I promised on the day of my marriage to be faithful and love my wife “Till death do us part”, but that profession means little if I don’t get up every day and actually DO what I said! The proof of my faithfulness is not in what I promised but in what I deliver. I am not a faithful man because a couple hundred folks at my wedding witnessed my proclamation of unfailing love. I am a faithful man because I do what I vowed to one person, my wife.

I’ve read that there was a time when a person’s word was their bond and I’ve heard about the good old days when bankers would close large accounts with a handshake. But I’ve personally never witnessed them. I’m sure there has always been a remnant of folks that lived up to their word, but in reality, since the days of Solomon, men have been professing their undying love and affection with only a few sticking around to become what they promised they would be.

Let’s be those men and women.


You aren’t what you say, you are what you do.

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